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It. Is. Finished.

It. Is. Finished.

Perhaps the best sermon ever preached only required three words. Simple…easy outline…yet gospel saturated, Christ-exalting, God glorifying and completely earth shattering.

“When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, It is finished,’ and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit – John 19:30

Jesus, the Son of God, exhausted from all the morning trials (first with the Sanhedrin, then Pontus Pilot), being accused and insulted. His body flogged and crowned with thorns as they mocked Him. They beat Him with fists and now bloody and broken and they nailed Him to a Roman cross. After enduring hours on the cross gasping for air Jesus proclaims with one last breath and a loud cry…




…just one word in the Greek…Tetelestai! This is what makes today a GOOD Friday.

Notice that Jesus didn’t say, “it has begun.” He didn’t say, “I did my part, now you do yours.”

He said, Tetelestai…which means, “to bring something to an end, to complete, to accomplish.” It signifies a successful end to a particular action.

This word would have been used by someone who just finished paying off their mortgage…payment is complete…I am no longer in debt.  Or it would be used when a worker reports back to their employer after completing their task, saying, “I am done.”

Do you see the significance in what Jesus is saying??

In His dying breath on the cross, the Creator obediently made Himself nothing, took on the form of a servant and could say one last thing…it could have been anything…and He chose to say:

It ---- meaning a perfect and sinless life was lived. A substitutionary death penalty was paid. All to satisfy the wrath of God against the unrighteousness of man. Meaning there is now redemption, forgiveness, justification, peace, reconciliation, adoption, hope and eternal life.  

Is ---- That is, present tense. Not later…not when you get your act together, not just when you believe, not when you die or He comes again…BUT right now!!

Finished ---- all that was necessary to rescue us is complete. Nothing could be added…mission accomplished. There was nothing left for Jesus to do…nothing that you need to do.

Are you trusting today in the “FINISHED work of Christ?”

As Christians, we love to talk about God’s forgiveness and sing that “Jesus Paid IT ALL” and that our sins are washed whiter than snow and that we are completely and totally justified.

But I wonder do we live in the light of this amazing reality?  How many of us daily live thinking Jesus died for my sins, but now its up to me to keep myself in a right relationship with the Lord?

Friends, let me ask you how many sins did you commit before Jesus died? NONE. When Jesus cried out in a loud voice it is finished, all your sins where future sins.

Jesus died on the cross with assurance knowing that His assignment was completed perfectly and eternally. He died without a single regret. He did not need more time to preach one more sermon, heal one more paralytic or create one more loaf of bread.

He cries out and says my obedience is finished and perfect…and now it’s yours…your forgiveness is based on my obedience not your own. He says my suffering is finished…I have taken all the punishment that is meant for sinners.  I finished removing the wrath of God and I took your place. He said, I have finished crushing the head of the nasty Snake…I defeated death once and for all …so that you may live. I have established the new covenant for you…and I am always faithful to my promises.

And I promise you…It is finished!

Today, as we remember that Jesus died…and yes, of course He had yet to be buried, rise again, and ascend into heaven…but all this is a forgone conclusion.

First Family remember you can have complete assurance…daily confidence…that your salvation is secure…you can be sure that your personal debt to God the Father was paid by Another…Jesus did what you and I would not and could not do for ourselves.

This is our only hope. The good news is that God’s grace is sufficient for you because Jesus finished His work. He proved this by ascending into heaven and sitting down next to the Father.

Do you trust Him? If not, would you repent and believe in the finished work of Christ?

And if you believe…renew your confidence…and live daily with your mind fixed on tetelestaiIT IS FINISHED!!