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Politics and the Bible

politics and the bible

"We all feel the political turmoil and the tension is unsettling. As Americans we tend to think we can keep our politics and our religion separate. But that’s impossible, because like it or not our politics serve our worship. Our governments serve our gods. Political heat flows out of religious heat. Just ask Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. The nations will burn us when we refuse to worship their gods, whether their gods are named Bel or money or sex, science or technology, safety or skin color, this party or that party. Yet make no mistake: the nations and kings and voters of the earth rage against the Lord and against his Messiah (Ps. 2; Rev. 13:7–8). Our politics either serve Jesus Christ or our idols (see also Deut. 32:8; Ps. 82:1–2)." - Jonathan Leeman

We encourage to you, as the presidential election draws closer, to press into God’s Word. Here is a 10 day Devotional that will help shape you, your family, or your Life Group.

Look here for other suggested resources.