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This Sunday

This Sunday

Join us on Sundays as we celebrate our Savior!

Sunday School: 9:15 am

Worship: 10:30 am (Livestream available)


In Worship Service there will be...

Welcome and Announcements with a Pastor

Singing praise to God! 

Pastoral Prayer Time and Offering

Hear the Word: with Pastor Jonathan Gilliland

                   (Catch up on other sermons here!)

Invitation Time

Closing Time if you have questions from the service or about our church, please contact us here or by calling us at 580-234-1133

Spanish Lyrics available here.


On Saturday... prepare your heart, mind and soul for Sunday:

Psalm 139

Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!

"Lead me in the way everlasting." May this be our prayer today. Asking God to help shape, mold, lead, and sanctify us to have a closer walk with Him... Choose to spend time with your Savior and Lord today. Praying, reading His Word, listening to Him, meditating, finding space to be still with Him, turning your worship music on, surrendering to Him. Make time to draw near to Jesus, our Redeemer and Friend! And come ready to join each other in collective worship tomorrow!


You are loved and prayed for!

(CLICK HERE to view the service live at 10:30 am every Sunday!)

For any questions or needs, please call the church office at (580) 234-1133.